
Trying again

I'm trying to quit smoking yet again. I haven't lit up since Sunday evening, and I'm ready to choke someone. I don't care who that someone is.


Tora said...


You can do it!

Anonymous said...

... if you B&Q it!

Anonymous said...

Strangle whoever posts next ..

Anonymous said...

On a more serious note, my old Ma has been hacking and coughing lately due to over-exertion, to the point where a customer (in her shoppe) nigh-on accused her of having a smokers cough, despite her never having smoked in her life.
She has bronchiectasis, a lung disease that used to qualify one for early retirement and disability allowance, but no longer does, as the condition "no longer exists in the UK"... (so says the NHS)
It's a death sentence basically, but it doesn't compare to lung cancer, which is what you're inviting every time you light up.

I found some asbestos the other day. You can have a wad to snort if you like, just gimme a yell.

Re: Trys
Oh the irony. :D

Audun said...

Why can't they ban more serious conditions, like AIDS or diabethes? Surely this would be much more profitable and health-rewarding for everyone, rather than picking on conditions very few people have in the first place.

If I were in charge, I'd ban cancer, and politicians.

With a shotgun.

Andytgeezer said...

I've been invited to a fetish club tomorrow night so if you need to spank someone I volunteer. I need the practice before I get there.

Don't want to look like a total amateur.