
What manner of bastardry is this??

So tonight is supposed to be my first venture into Karazhan. I say supposed to be, because some cruel bastard has decided to *ahem* lend me Bioshock...


Anonymous said...

So is it as good as the megahype says ?
Not that my peecee could cope with its graphical wonderousness.

Incidentally, on the subject of WoW (which the blog-spaff was seemingly about), I'm not online recently cos of a combo of basement-refitting and WoW account deadism. The basement should be plastered by now but my careless cousin who was lined up to do the job broke his ankle very very badly and is prolly being operated on as I type. Thus I have spent the last fortnight messing with alternative wall-coatings. The front part of the basement is now done as of yesterday. The back part is my lair. Or will be once I banish the sewage intrusion...
I should be WoWing right now but HSBC is anally raping me right now. £150 "arrangement fee" for an unauthorized overdraft is blatantly illegal yet they have stuck me with 3 of the buggers and thus I cannot renew my WoW account.
I am currently pursuing legal action that ought to result in £700+ refunds.
I still might go up town and pickaxe the cunts to death though...

Anonymous said...

Incidentally, I think you should record another 'Questions with Looge' session, mebbe with video.
A recent scientific study suggested that schizophrenia and several other mental disorders are a result of evolutionary selection pressures headed toward increased intelligence.
That is, many genetic mutations resulting in increased intelligence/creative thinking, pull us closer to the line between genius and insanity. Complex brains = schizo candidates.

I'm supposed to be darn intelligent (155 in a dodgy online IQ test once) but Looge thinks on his feet like a fucking Lotus Elise compared to my Ford model T.
Of course me and Looge are both on psychoactive medications so maybe it's not a valid comparison. :D

Foss said...

Bioshock didn't work in the end. I get to see the intro, but then it crashes.

Me, you n Lamer need to run strat. Soon. I can stick a month on your account, if you like?

Audun said...

That Stratholme run was the awesomesest instance thingy I've probably ever done, although only slightly more awesome than wiping the Hamsters in ZG