
New poll

Over there! *gestures* Look!

The results of the last poll are as follows:

Biggest cunt of them all?

Fat lipped twat Jamie Oliver 3 (30%)
Freak handed tosser Jeremy Beadle 0 (0%)
Salivating cockney fucktard Janet Street Porter 3 (30%)
Chirpy shitstain Anthea Turner 0 (0%)
Floppy haired cuntrag Hugh Grant 2 (20%)
Whining tory faggot David Cameron 1 (10%)
Massive chinned spunkflanel Quentin Tarantino 1 (10%)


Tora said...

The moon is not a punishment!
Everybody knows the moon is made of cheese!

Foss said...


Audun said...

ofc it is. this was proven by wizards several decades ago, when two trolls and an empty picnic basket were succesfully shot into orbit, using a giant spoon and three kilograms of magic.

As they trolls have still not returned, the obvious conclusion is that the trolls landed on the moon, and lives off eating it.

Jeffer McJeff of the clan McJeff said...

i thought trolls ate goats that crossed bridges. If the trolls are still alive I say that the moon is made of pure bridgeium and populated by goats.

Audun said...

Actually, the trolls were quite fed up with living under bridges and eating goats. only reason they did it, according to the oldest troll, was "adwefgrgrfaa", which translates to something like: "My father did this, and his father did this, and his father did movie choreography."
(Although not quite like that, as all the years of only eating goat meat had given the troll a very gnarly and rubbery tongue, so translates to something like this: "Mø fafa d'd dif, 'nd hif fafa d'd dif, 'nd hif fafa d'd mnøøfi kårgåfrggy"

which is why they voluntereed for OSPOGWAP (Orbital Spoon Launch of Great Wizardry and Peanuts) program in the first place.

Jeffer McJeff of the clan McJeff said...

If this is true, why do I have a herd of chickens in my trousers?

Audun said...

There's a 35.4% chance you're unknowingly participating in a movie scene choreographed by a troll.

Like the Truman Show, but with more chicken in it.

Let's be honest, there wasn't much chicken in that movie.

Jeffer McJeff of the clan McJeff said...

Capote or Harry S.?