
Tycho, how I laugh at you

I have positive experiences with [XBox Live], but on the old list I often got the impression that while we were all in the same room, we were each facing different walls. I must stress that Playstation 3 owners should take no succor from that statement. By comparison, your friends aren't just facing different walls - they exist in a parallel fucking dimension. This is, of course, assuming that the developer managed to patch in a social component. I'm sick of people claiming parity between the online offerings of these systems so that they can appear above the fray. One of them is awesome, and one of them is dogshit. I don't know why they should ever improve it if you fuckers have already given them the Gold Star.



Anonymous said...

If internet fucking banner ads are so fucking smart, why is it fucking offering me a fucking 10 day fucking trial on WoW fucking TBC when I already got two fucking accounts?

Any idea if Chris is planning to come south during Julyish?

Foss said...

I shall attempt to contact him, and entice him down using sporks as bait. Or booze, I forget which is more effective.

Jeffer McJeff of the clan McJeff said...

might I suggest you use a spork made of booze?

Anonymous said...

Or a spork who's utility is further increased by including a beer straw.

'cause everyone knows real men drink beer from a straw, everyone else is a fake.

Jeffer McJeff of the clan McJeff said...

drinking beer from a straw is just asking for a beat down and it increases your ROA more than listening to Justin Timberlake.*

* roa = risk of aids factor

Anonymous said...

Actually, real men skip the beer, and eat the straw

Anonymous said...

Dunno about skipping the beer, as my gran always said better to down 5 pints of pink beer than have no beer at all.