

Here's some stuff I've been listening to lots. I thought I should tell you, just in case for some crazy reason you actually give a shit. Boing.

Pendulum - Hold Your Colour
Maximo Park - Our Earthly Pleasures
Kaiser Chiefs - Yours Truly, Angry Mob
We Are Scientists - With Love And Squalor
Honchie - Deathfists Of Rage
Jack Johnson - Brushfire Fairytales
Faithless - To All New Arrivals
DJ Format - Music For The Mature B-Boy
Incubus - Morning View
Lily Allen - Alright, Still
The Radio 1 Live Lounge CDs
...And a bunch of stuff from ocremix.com


Tora said...

Music is always worth a shit!

May I recommend

Maxïmo Park - A Certain Trigger
Modest Mouse - We Were Dead Before The Ship Sank
Arctic Monkeys - Your Favourite Worst Nightmare*
The Killers - Hot Fuss


*Which is not out before the 23rd, but I am sure it's good!

Tora said...

I typoed that, let me try again:

Modest Mouse - We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank

Have you heard Brianstorm yet?

What do you think?

Jeffer McJeff of the clan McJeff said...

I am not dead. I may listen to your music. Where do I plug in my headphones?

Anonymous said...

Pendulum are from Perth!!!


Audun said...

You plug your headphones into the phone ofc.


Ryaninja said...

I've been listening to Brian Eno: Music for Airports a lot recently. It's really nice ambient piano music that you can play in the background whilst working. I find it really helps me stop getting bored or distracted whilst keeping me focused on the task at hand.