Yes, I am still alive.
Just haven't been online much.
Since the redundancies, work has been absolutely mental. When I get home, I don't feel like staring at a computer screen.
That is all. Now I'm off to bed.
Well, at least I taste better than shit.
Yes, I am still alive.
Just haven't been online much.
Since the redundancies, work has been absolutely mental. When I get home, I don't feel like staring at a computer screen.
That is all. Now I'm off to bed.
spaffed out by Foss at 21:55
Today in WoW I finally got the damned Sinister Squashling pet. Been trying for 2 years. Then I got the Headless Horseman's mount. Then just for a laugh I did my 100th and 101st Baron Rivendare kills and at last got his mount too.
I was fishing for the turtle mount but then my router shat itself so now I'm typing this.
P.S. Adopt Kenny. His colouring and size in no way resemble Dale but apart from that he's a dead ringer: http://www.dogsblog.com/kenny/
Prolly it's mostly the "Love me?" look on his face.
When is cataclysm out? I may come back for that, depending on how real life goes.
Just between you and me and everyone else reading this blog... After the spending review yesterday, it doesn't look like there'll be a company for me to work for after March. The area based grant from which we get most of our money has been abolished completely. We'll know more in November. I may have to start building up my own business again, but do it properly this time!
How are you anyway? I'm really sorry I didn't get a chance to wish you a happy birthday at the start of the month. I'm a shit friend.
Cataclysm is out Dec 7th.
I'd leave your portfolio as it is and look to drop into another .gov job if I were you.
Maybe develop a disability, that'll give you an advantage.
The Spending Review is a clusterfuck. Within a month the people that actually do stuff about the governance of this country will have slapped that supposed PM into a reversal of several of the more retarded cuts.
My favourite cut? Nimrod Maritime Reconnaissance Aircraft.
9 planes, we already spent 20 BILLION pounds on them. They're near delivery and would be operational with just a few more millions.
Without them, the Netherlands has a more comprehensive MRA system.
Cut. After all, they would cost several million squids a year to operate.
For £20 Billion the twats could have bought EIGHT FUCKING AIRCRAFT CARRIERS!!!!!
The Nimrod program was started by the fucking Tories in the first place!
Remember when Gordon Brown promised an end to Nuclear Power in the UK?
Then 3 months later approved the replacement of Sellafield with a new reactor?
The MoD presumably informed him that nuclear fusion warheads have a 5 year half life, and that Sellafield was replacing the fuel in those warheads, so if you want a nuclear deterrant, you'd better not shut down the only supplier of fuel for it.
I get so angry at the stupidity... and I'm on powerful drugs specifically designed to reduce the up and downiness of my emotions.
I replied to your email the day I got it. Did you not get the reply? Are we having problems with your email address again? Are freeserve/yahoo/whoeveritisnow a bunch of rancid cunts?
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