
Foss & The Cornish National Liberation Army VS Jamie Oliver

I thought I'd take a small amount of my lunchtime to invade Foss' blog, and post this news:

Cornish Liberation Army Threat

I always suspected Foss of being an agent of terror. This piece of writing brings me one step closer to the truth.

Still, at least you chose a worthy target.


Anonymous said...

Bloomin' numpties.

Being better than the English just generally should be enogh for any Cornishman, we can sit around looking smug and sucking up their tourist cash and government subsidies until the cows come home (about 5:30).

Also Jamie Oliver must die!

Jeffer McJeff of the clan McJeff said...

Can I get french fries with my burger? And a coke, but only if refills are free.

Andytgeezer said...

Looks like everyone has it in for Jamie Oliver. Is there nowhere he can hide?


Jamie Oliver

Ryaninja said...

Where's Foss? I haven't spoken to him for ages. I'd imagine his in a cave somewhere remote, like Afghanistan, or maybe Penzance, plotting his latest scheme of terror and destruction.

As for the Cornish, being smug just isn't enough. Apparently, 'smugness' does not allow the Cornish to buy houses at the inflated rates that have gripped Cornwall since the celebrity chefs started their onslaught.

Sorry Jeff, only kettle chips are available. These are posh restaurants, and not human troughs as you find in the US. :)

But yes, you can have free coke refils.

And finally, if I were Jamie Oliver, I'd hide somewhere no-one would think of looking, such as underneath a giant hat. Or in Sainsbury's.

Anonymous said...

No one will find Jamie when he done hide him at the bottom of the atlantic in his top secret concrete stealth booties.

Also I think foss is lacking the internets at the moment.

Foss said...

I'm not lacking internets; I have the week off work! The lack of communication last week was due to work being MENTAL. As soon as people find out you're going to be away for a week, everything HAS TO BE DONE RIGHT NOW BEFORE YOU GO AWAY OR THE WORLD WILL END OMIGOD!

So yeah, I'm chilling out at home, waiting for the weather to turn nice (which it did this morning), playing Titan Quest and Warcraft, and tidying up for when Audun comes over tomorrow.

Also, I've been basking in my own awesomeness. It's fun.

Anonymous said...


Ryaninja said...

I have awesomeness. But I had a really big poo, and squeezed it all out.

Some sewer rat is probably basking in my awesomeness right now. Git.

Anonymous said...

I have an awesomeness back home. Been there for about a week now. He coughed a bit when I strangled him, but after that, I put him in he freezer, and then he turned very quiet.

Jeffer McJeff of the clan McJeff said...

It is cold in here and my neck hurts. Where am I? Can some one let me out, I need to go squeeze out some awesomeness?

Andytgeezer said...

I've got too much awesomeness here in Madrid myself actually and because I'm going back to the UK I have to leave some here else they'll charge me excess baggage.