Here's the latest picture of Slimey, coiled up all snug and warm.
She shed her skin last weekend. I'm not sure what to do with the skin - I might leave it on Rob's monitor here at work. Please leave suggestions in the comments.
If you want to annoy someone at work, get the skin hold it infront of them, then take their kit-kat from them, split the fingers apart and put them inside.
chop it up into little peices and feed it the kid.
or, collect the skins as she grows, and get 300 leatherworking skill, make yourself some 1337 epix! oh you'd have to be a rogue (closest thing to a ninja)
-environmental-friendly condom (eco-durex).
-wii remote cozy.
-drug container for smuggling.
-rural drink mixer.
-emergency vomit bag (in real leather, re-usable)
-laser sword holster.
If you want to annoy someone at work, get the skin hold it infront of them, then take their kit-kat from them, split the fingers apart and put them inside.
Leave it on the desk and walk away laughing.
Also, laser sword holster!
chop it up into little peices and feed it the kid.
or, collect the skins as she grows, and get 300 leatherworking skill, make yourself some 1337 epix! oh you'd have to be a rogue (closest thing to a ninja)
Walk around with it trailing out of your nostril or ear or other bodily orifice of your choosing. Think of creative replies to queries like:
Fuck off, you do with your snake as you choose, asswipe.
My girlfriend is a witch and did this to me for coming to fast last night.
I wholeheartedly agree with the above comment.
Que Pastill?
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