More HOT HOT HOT news from Cornwall...
After more shoddy crap passed off as news in the local area, it turns out that an actual crime has been committed in the area. Yes, that's right, a local post office was the target of an armed robbery! And what's more, one of the robbers was from my home town, Launceston!
Oh, Launceston, what a wonderful contribution to society you have made.
Biggest news ever!
No no, hankyspamjangle, there is even bigger news. It involves Captain C*smic, The Daves and Honchie, and if it comes to fruition, it could destroy the world. I'll talk to you about it tomorrowses.
Also, I'm off work tomorrow. Come round when you finish at the museum!
Shit, you name a place Crackington Haven and then act all surprised when it gets robbed?!1 Give me a fucking break. If they don't change the name, I may come rob the damn place.
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