
Shameless plug

Everyone should go visit Ryan's blog and pay him big respects. He's extremely awesome and is a hardcore ninja to boot. You should go there, especially if you're a luxury hottie because he needs a wench. He can provide good references from previous wenches, and he's a better lay than Dolph Lundgren*. FACT.

*Actually is a fact. Confirmation happened.


Anonymous said...

9 out of 10 hotties prefer Ryan.

Anonymous said...

Ryan is lovely.


Audun said...

Ryan is the 10th hottie.

Anonymous said...

Chris said...

Ryan also has retractable telescopic claws on each heel allowing him to grip the ground tenaciously even in the strongest of winds, making him ideal as a makeshift washing line.

Anonymous said...

Retractable Telescopic Claws (RTCs, aka "Ground huggers") are delivered to you by Flickflack Engineering. Patent pending.

Ryaninja said...

Everything written here is pure absolute fact. Apart from the fact about washing lines. I don't make a great washing line because when I get drunk, I have a tendancy to wander off with your washing. It's usually later found on the floor of some KFC.

Although the retractable claws are useful for opening yoghurts.