Well, at least I taste better than shit.
This is awesome.
I came in today and they were SO proud! They've got pics and stuff too (which I may put on www.andytgeezer.com. But the question is...Do I put them on the adventures of mini-Andy site!?ARRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!
FossWhat you do is, in your template add an element and add an RSS feed. Then the source of your feed is http://eatfoss.blogspot.com/feeds/comments/fullPiece of piss!
mini-Andy possibly going to New York next week! It's half term and I know where the miniature version of me is going but have no idea where the hell I'M going. Bloody priorities...
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I came in today and they were SO proud! They've got pics and stuff too (which I may put on www.andytgeezer.com. But the question is...
Do I put them on the adventures of mini-Andy site!?
What you do is, in your template add an element and add an RSS feed. Then the source of your feed is http://eatfoss.blogspot.com/feeds/comments/full
Piece of piss!
mini-Andy possibly going to New York next week! It's half term and I know where the miniature version of me is going but have no idea where the hell I'M going. Bloody priorities...
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