

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Foster
Sent: 06 February 2007 10:02
To: Kennett, Ryan
Subject: The cheese!

Oi! You! Ryan! You work for A.COMPANY, so please hunt down the head of marketing and tell him/her to stop being such a twunt...

We received a small box in the post today. It said "open now to find the solution to your energy problems". Inside it was a single acorn, and a message along the lines of "plant this acorn and in a few months it will start to help deplete carbon dioxide levels" or whatever. Then there was a bunch of A.COMPANY stuff, asking us to cut our CO2 emissions and switch to their "green" plan. It may have told us to wear sandals too, I'm not sure.

What pretentious gobshítes your marketing people are! This is *almost* as bad as the time BT sent us an empty airbag, with a note attached saying "a breath of fresh air, from BT".

By the way, the van that delivered the post this morning, including the A.COMPANY eco-wonder, was a clapped-out, beat up, smoke-puking diesel-fuming wreck.

Please tell Swampy in marketing to wake up and smell the CO2.

How are you, anyway? :D

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