So I finished work early on Friday and went home to wait for my wii delivery. The bastards had already tried to deliver it, 10 minutes before I got back, and this meant I couldn't get it until midday Saturday... But it was easily worth the wait. The wii is awesome, and my arms are aching like fuck from all the boxing. What a wonderful way to get fit! :)
Captain C*smic and the Daves recorded a bunch more video on Friday. I have yet to sift through it and sort out the shit from the really shit. We have a gig coming up at Easter, and we still haven't decided which honchie song to cover. Hmmmm.
Finally, I'd like to ask you all a question. What's the best way to remove cat entrails from a car radiator? Please post your responses below. Cheers, bitch. :)
So are you buff now? Huh?
I came down to launceston this weekend (Sunday) after all, but it was just a flying 120mph visit, so I didn't stop.
However, I forgot how easy it is to get there, when your bike isn't rubbish. I was in Launceston before I even had cold hands!
Should be down this weekend, providing it doesn't howl down with rain...
cool, will talk to you later :)
(posting this on the wii!)
What you need is a can of oil, 2 pounds of salty chips, 4 adult-size dipers and a magic wand. (a good one, with an ebony hilt and a star on the top).
Will tell more when you got it all.
The Vietnamese solution is pretty similar to audun's actually.
A large pot, some water and a bag of flat rice noodles.
Transcript from conversation with a mate in Kuwait...
Andy - check my present! www.andytgeezer.blogspot.com says:
i am OBSESSED with blogging and everything related
Andy - check my present! www.andytgeezer.blogspot.com says:
am currently on one of my faves
Andy - check my present! www.andytgeezer.blogspot.com says:
Andy - check my present! www.andytgeezer.blogspot.com says:
and also the link in the side
Andy - check my present! www.andytgeezer.blogspot.com says:
thoughts of a viking
Andy - check my present! www.andytgeezer.blogspot.com says:
bloody funny guys
Andy - check my present!
·$0,1dead says:
the sites bloked by qualitynet|!
Andy - check my present! www.andytgeezer.blogspot.com says:
Andy - check my present! www.andytgeezer.blogspot.com says:
Andy - check my present! www.andytgeezer.blogspot.com says:
yes I rembember now!
Andy - check my present! www.andytgeezer.blogspot.com says:
that's why on MY blog
Andy - check my present! www.andytgeezer.blogspot.com says:
Andy - check my present! www.andytgeezer.blogspot.com says:
it says
Andy - check my present! www.andytgeezer.blogspot.com says:
eatfoss - officially banned by arabic ISPs!!
Andy - check my present! www.andytgeezer.blogspot.com says:
You're still officially banned Foss. You naughty boy!
Yeah Audun, I figure you'd like a bit of ebony hilt action now wouldn't you.
only if there's a twinkling, sparkling star on top
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