
One from the xmas party


Anonymous said...

Dissapointed the board in the backround doesn't say wet my dick with ice.

Foss said...

but it does say BAPS (as edited earlier by yours truly) :D

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, nice one!

Anonymous said...

I have a computer connected to teh intarnets.
This is an improvement.
I shall now hijack this happy-thread with some bile.


For those of you wondering why you haven't seen Chucknørris showing off his EPIXX in WoW lately, it's because Dog/God hates me, and all my computer hardware.
My previous main PC will no longer boot WinXP without spontani-resetting along the way, My first backup PC works fine, till I try to scroll down the WoW EULA in order to click on "Accept". More spontaneous resetting.
Total rebuild PeeCee number 3 says "Fuck you WindowsXP! I'm not, leaving the BIOS settings for anything more advanced than Win98SE, also my AGP slot lacks POWAR!!"

This PeeCee (total rebuild No4) boots.
A good sign.
WinXP, DirectX, .Net, graphics card drivers all install okay.
Audio hardware has permanent high pitched reverb added to all output making me want to punch things hard. Not bad enough to inflict an SB Live on the poor beast though.
I shall now begin the WoW install, despite my DVD drive reverting to PIO mode and hard drive refusing to do anything over 8MB/s.
3 hours is a reasonable install time for a game such as WoW.

It's shit like this that makes Swansea look like a nice place to be.

Chris Moose hates you all (unless you're a humbug, everyone like humbugs).

Anonymous said...

Update: Dog still hates me, Chris Moose still hates you.

A dancing cow has been spotted in Orgrimmar at least 8 times today/yesterday.
All dressed in farmer apparel, wielding a pitchfork, rarely logged in for more than 3 minutes.

Tomorrow I shall try out my fresh Win98 install with WoW.

I managed 4 hours of Wow a couple days ago, but died often due to having no audio.
I have audio all the time now.
But no WoW.

I dunno why they bother manufacturing anti-depressants when such hugely depressing situations are hanging around all over the damn place.
Installing WoW should entitle you to a couple years worth of high dose prescription medicine.

And whores.
Or at least some sort of whore-voucher scheme.

"Whore-Score" (TM)

Audun said...


have a cockie.