ZOMG!!! Peanuts!
I rarely post on Foss' blog, because although it is a treat invading Foss' personal intarweb space, what with my own blog, I hardly get time to offer up anything that Foss hasn't already got covered, like humour or ninjas or theories of penguin dark matter.
However, after seeing 'Hello again' just now, I felt I had something important to add, that was too good to add as a comment.
Has anyone noticed how much Tristan looks like that character from Peanuts?
Sorry Trys. :)
Bugger, I really have to stop looking like people.
Especially female ones, it's always either them or children, and just when I'm done looking like someone I go and end up looking like someone else!
Also I got ID'd on saturday night, yipee.
Gah, what's her name?! It's gonna drive me mad trying to think of it!
Marcie apparently
Initially, when I was watching the video, Trys' hair reminded me of the one with brown hair in snoopy. It's exactly alike, except for the colour. I don't remember her name, hang on....
Peppermint Patty
But then when I actually went to the snoopy site to find her pic, and saw the picture of Marcie, I realised that although Trys' hair wasn't quite the same style as Marcie's the other features (two eyes, a mouth, a nose and glasses) were spot on.
Really Trys should be the biologically engineered lovechild of Patty and Marcie, I'm fairly certain there's quite a lot of innuendo in Peanuts anyway, at least I remember thinking that when I read a few when I was younger.
I'm sure Peppermint Patty and Marcie are butch lezzas anyway. She calls him SIR for fuck sake!
Isn't there an uncensored Japanese version of peanuts that goes into such details a bit further somewhere?
so what I'm a lesbian now or something?
no, but maybe your a shemale.
You never know!
(Well you most likely do).
*you're a
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