Give me wii!
I saw the UK ad for the new nintendo machine, wonderfully named "wii". It's going to be amazing - And I don't just mean the console. Imagine the joy of asking a shop assistant if you can have a wii, then unzipping and pissing all over them when they agree!
I can't wait to use the little wiimote (it's motion-sensing controller). Swinging my arms violently, clocking friends and family around the head while trying to get a home run, or smashing my wonderful HDTV screen when the wrist-strap breaks and sends the wiimote ploughing into it just like a real bowling ball.
Besides, how can you possibly deny it's cuteness?!
I want a wii!
Dirty Sanchez and Turkish Steamer were the other two names in the running, according to my friend, Steve "crazy thumbs" Nintendo. Turkish Steamer was his favorite but would not fit on the packaging without a major redesign, and they did not have any more money in the packaging budget.
Ever seen the Dirty Sanchez TV show? It's wonderful.
Just don't do this:
Wii has broken a few TVs so far it would seem, this isn't the first I've seen on this topic....
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