Well, at least I taste better than shit.
I wanted to practice creating shit from scratch in potatoshop, so I gave Rob a beard and some aviator shades.
Last night was great, thanks for the roofies and the prostate massage. How did you do that massage when you had one hand on my hip and one hand on my shoulder?
Did you photoshop the Connexions logo on to his shirt too? I don't believe even Rob would be gay enough to wear one of these on purpose? In fact, anyone not forced by their boss into wearing company branded attire should themselves be branded as screaming homosexuals.
I have one of those fleece top things, and I even wear it sometimes. I must be a screaming homosexual too. ZOMG!
Why has he got bees on his chin?
It's a beard of bees, stupidass!
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Last night was great, thanks for the roofies and the prostate massage. How did you do that massage when you had one hand on my hip and one hand on my shoulder?
Did you photoshop the Connexions logo on to his shirt too?
I don't believe even Rob would be gay enough to wear one of these on purpose?
In fact, anyone not forced by their boss into wearing company branded attire should themselves be branded as screaming homosexuals.
I have one of those fleece top things, and I even wear it sometimes. I must be a screaming homosexual too. ZOMG!
Why has he got bees on his chin?
It's a beard of bees, stupidass!
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