
New TV

Here's my new toy, rigged up to the cute little shuttle PC at the bottom, playing My Name Is Earl in all it's HD glory. Love it, love it like I love Audun's mother (except without the anal penetration).


Jeffer McJeff of the clan McJeff said...

spasepeople would look great on that. I am very jealous of the tele, so check your mail carefully, very carefully for the next few weeks.

Anonymous said...

That's a telly that'd take a while to digest if you swallowed it for sure.

Anonymous said...

I like TV set because it is in color and make the pictures come on the screen.

I like TV set because it makes the pretty people says funny things and then do interesting things to one another with skin.

I like TV set because it show me things that make tingling.

I like TV set because it don't make fun when I look at TV set with pants on head and eat the marshmallow pie with momma and Aunt Gertie.

I like TV set because it don't tell me marry transgender Lebonese crackwhore.

In summation, congratulations, Andrew Foster, on your aquistion of a beautiful, state-of-the-art HD-ready 52" flatscreen television by Hyundai!

Anonymous said...

I sense a lot of surpressed sexual tension present here!

Ryaninja said...

Nice Nice McNiceNice.

Welcome to the world of HD! Took you long enough! ;)

Did I mention I like the word carnivorous? No? Well there you go. Raaarrrggghh.