

I just ate a chocolate covered pretzel. Yes, it was dark chocolate, it was a little melty, but damn, was it exquisite?!


Jeffer McJeff of the clan McJeff said...

why does choco pretzle link to mall rats on imdb? nothing exquisite or melty about mall rats that i can think of. perhaps you drank too much of your water bottle vodka moonshine?

my wife made berry muffins this morning. the butter on them was melty and they were exquisite, just right with my tea.

Today was Wade's first day of public school. He started kindergarten.

Anonymous said...

Did he enjoy institutionalised education?

Oooh and watched Mallrats t'other day, the Superman/Lois Lane speech made me snort tea through my nose!

Jeffer McJeff of the clan McJeff said...

yes,thanks for asking.