
Gut Festival

32 is a good number. It is 100000 in binary; it is 2^5; it is 8 less than 40; ancient Mayans believed 32 was the age a girl becomes a man; there were 32 wonders of the world; the bible states it as the number of the hinge; Edgar Allen Poe's poem, The Raven, was originally about the number 32; the 32nd president of America was notable due to his invisibility; there were only 32 episodes of The Bill; 32 rhymes with "dirty poo"; Jimi Hendrix ascended to Gim Kibbur at 32; and we've all heard about the 32 faces of Thatcher. Yes, 32 is a good number indeed.

I will be turning 32 on May 23rd. To celebrate, I'd like to have some quiet drinkies and administer special injections to a few of you. Will you join me, sugar?

Come on you cunts, let's pull its fucking handle off.

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