

Google is a big clever machine. It indexes sites based not only on how many references to x there are on that particular site, but also on how many other sites referencing x link to the aforementioned site.

So to help Ryan become the number one robot badger felching site, here's a link to his site with the words robot badger felching added.

If you need robot badger felching, this is the place to go.

robot badger felching.


Jeffer McJeff of the clan McJeff said...

confused, is this a badger felching a robot, a robot badger doing the felching, or getting felched. Once this issue is cleared up I can tell you whether or not this is either crazy, funny, neither or both.

Ryaninja said...

It could be anything or nothing. Maybe it's not robot badger felching, but fairy pie eating, or even turkish bee reaming.

I just don't know anymore...