
Friday's gig

We (Phil Blackwell's Banned, not CCATD) played the town hall on Friday night. It was a charity gig so we did the whole thing for free, unlike the other band who charged £400, the arseholes.

We sucked. We really sucked. That doesn't matter though, as we had an audience of about 10 people. I got a bit too drunk but, considering I've only just changed from bass to guitar and don't know the songs yet, didn't play too badly. In fact we all played okay. But it still sounded awful.

Still, we had a few people rocking out down the front so it wasn't a *complete* disaster.

We have another gig Friday, and another on Saturday. Each gig is like a trip to the gym for me, carrying all the PA and amps and drums and shit up and down three flights of stairs.


Jeffer McJeff of the clan McJeff said...


You guys rocked. It was the best stuff ever in the history of forever.


Helen Keller's even more deaf brother

Foss said...

Thanks :)

Who's Helen Keller?