You've probably heard me raving on about World of Warcraft. In fact, you're probably sick of me going on about it. But that doesn't matter because I'm here to tell you about the Awesome Lowbies - a fantastic guild that I happen to run on the Dragonmaw realm. Anyway I just launched the website last night. Check out the site and join up if you're a Warcraft freak like me!
Freak has the word ear in it.
Could this be more than coincidence?
I think not.
And the word Fear!!!
And the words, are, far, rake, fake, fare, ref, faker, a, kerf. Obviusly there is something strange going on with this grouping of letters. Thanks for alerting us this evil word, that is probably Iraqui in nature. Will be sending a few regimetns of US troops round to Foss's place to collect the word and take it to Cuba for interrogation. May make it strip down naked and pose with Madonna also.
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